WD5GNR rambles about microcontrollers, ham radio, electronics, the Internet, science fiction, and other oddball things.

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Welcome Well, as if I don't have enough stuff on the Web, I've decided to post an electronics-oriented "blog" to replace the defunct Al's Electronic Workshop program. What can you expect? Who knows? My random thoughts and finds on electronics, microcontrollers, ham radio, the Internet, and who knows what else? I've been blogging for awhile since the magazine I used to work for (New Architect) has a blog (the "daily") that I wrote to (along with the other editors). Where else am I on the Web? Programming and consulting Electronics Ham Radio and PIC/CPLD/FPGA Tutorial.

Al Williams
WD5GNR Rambles
Friday, July 21  
I'm blogging a little more regularly on http://www.hotsolder.com. Check it out.


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